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W o n d e r f u l Lizard!


After i arrived home this morning, i just can't wait to feed Emilda for her breakfast session!

I have to arranged some food and equipment for her meal. Which I have to breed/maintain the number of the mealworm. I was took away 2 nos of plain hard roll from my kitchen to be put in the small aquarium, some green leave vegetables, a cup of wheat(wholemeal mixed with dry seeds) and a little portion of chicken meat and a slice of potatoes for maintaining the moisture in the small aquarium.
M e a l w o r m

Before that, i have to transfer the mealworm from the plastic bag into the small aquarium! After a few moment, they were started to eating all the grain and wheat, potatoes and (the bread roll too). I am very happy for that. Atleast, the mealworm won't starving and died just like that!

", food, food... quick! quick! quick!"

At the same time, I was noticed that Emilda are stay quite in her home. I am wondering, why. Suddenly, i noticed she is having her digesting moment where i called it "Emilda happy time". *Loud Out Laugh* As you can see here, she is digested her 'boob' near to her tail, there!

"Emilda H A P P Y T I M E"

After 10 minute placing some bread, i dropped her the mealworm and the crickets... Emilda had no interest to eat the crickets. She's just keep eating the mealworm! While the crickets and mealworm start to eat the bread!


It such a wonderful moment to see she's eating. Slowly move to the mealworm, pointing her mouth, and take out her tounge and...sluuurp! *sigh* Emilda look good when enjoying her meal!


Finally, after taking some shot of her, she is moving to her pool(actually her drink bowl). She is drinking and taking a bath too. Two things at one time! Very - very - very good! After done spending an hour with Emilda, i was laid down my body over my bed and about to taking a nap. Unfortunately, i was sleeping until the evening. *laughing*

Emilda, she is a W O N D E R F U L L I Z A R D !

0 Komen Anda ? ™:

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