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I woke up from my bed at 7 p.m in the evening. Its getting dark. At 5 p.m, i just woke for a while to go to the toilet. It is raining. Oh, it is wonderful rest day!
It's a bit cold here. Suddenly, thinking about Emilda. She might be a little bit cold in her house. So, i switch on the lamp which is to provided her a light during night and keep her a bit warm! I just discover this few scene in her house. Please, enjoy this view as i do!

"b e a u t i f u l"

"see my well developed muscular leg"

"pose.. pose..pose"

"loving couple"

"nice body"




A t N i g h t, i am start to prepared my dinner. Ikan keli masak cili api, my favourite dish! LOL.
After done with my meal, start on surfing the internet! Read out some of my friends blog. It is such a long time i haven't involved chat with others people due to i have to stabilize my profession since last year. It may sounded to easy, "other people working too". Somehow, i'd really need times to get in everything in my house. Now, i will get back to those friends who have known me for many years.

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