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Budget Trip #1. 26th Dec 2008

(a courtesy photo from NOR IZUDDIN)

Gunung Ledang, also known as Mount Ophir, is said to been the home of the legendary Princess 'Puteri Gunung Ledang', a magical princess who were able to transform herself into 100 looks. The Sultan of Malacca had heard of her beauty and wanted to marry her.

On 25th December 2008, i've spent my holiday by joining this group (known as Jenjarum Outdoor Club a.k.a J.O.C)to a budget trip which is costed me about 100.00 Ringgit Malaysia. As i have been inform by the trip leader, Mr. Halil and his wife; these trip took about 3 days. We have met at Kuala Lumpur Central Station around 9 p.m. The trip with the train tooks about 2hr. Then, we slept at Segamat Bus Station until in the morning.

We departed from the small town at 8 pM. We reach the ophir's Village after 10p.m. Actually, 9.

We were taking a 4x4 from the small town to get in to The Basecamp! I haven't experienced this before. After half an hour arranging our luggage and backpack get over the truck, we are ready to get there as soon as possible!

Finally, We were there! See this picture? this is what i meant with "Warm welcome"...

Well, my tent is the yellow one! It is supposed for 3 person. However, only me and my backpack are fit to it! LOL! It is time to get rest and enjoyed the nature!

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