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After Sunday...MONDAY laaa...

Hi there..

So, have u been asking urself what do you feel when u get lazy to start your job/task to be done later? I've at once. Last night when i get bored to start my work to done. Ohh

Luckily, i have partner who can cover my duty. Apa lagi, amik advantage la... Thanks to Wady sebab give n take ngan aku. Heheh. Next time ko rest lah puas-puas time aku tengah kerja. No problem.

It's so tiring day, -Sunday. I couldn't even sleep in the morning. As a consequences, i felt so...tired at night. On my previous nite, i have to work all alone. I am supposed to be helped by other guys. Bob. However, this guy is on m.c! It's a last minute m.c. Ahh, malas lah tu.

Eh, talking about entry... I've found out that i had a long long way introduction. Too much story. Erkh, it's jerking me by the way!

Since this time ( after 11 month stay away from internet access ), i have connect the internet lately. There too many friends asking me a lot of question! Ahhh, parah nak melayan. My intention nak access ari ni sebab nak update entri and get back to home quickly! However, dah tersasar jauh melayan chat kat Y.M. I am tired already! Should have some rest. Furthermore, i ingat nak teruskan research untuk program hiking pun x sempat.

Waaaa... co-incidently telling you about hiking... "YAY! it will be a great2 experience i'll ever have soon". Felt something inside of me~ A strong spirit to asked myself to go for outdoors activities! Go Baby! Go! (almost like that la...)

Yesterday also just like what i felt! Once i enter and sit at Mamak Hijaz for having Roti Canai as a breakfast, I saw a group of men. They were assembles their bike. For me, that's kind a kewl sport too!

Can't tell you more. I am too sleepy now~ see ya in the next post!

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